Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Incentive Magazine’s "Ask the Experts"

Looking for more information on recognition? In the June edition of Incentive Magazine’s “Ask the Experts,” my colleagues Michelle Smith, Dee Hansford, Kevin Cronin and I answer the following questions:

• How would you respond to leaders that think cash programs are cheaper and easier to implement than those based on non-cash awards?
• Why is it so important to provide training about recognition?
• I am often asked what other companies do for their recognition and reward programs? How can I get this information?
• Why is recognition strategy considered the cornerstone of Recognition Professionals International’s (RPI) “Seven Best Practice Standards”?

My contribution dealt with the last question. Find out why I believe recognition programs which do not align with overall corporate strategies usually end up as recognition road kill!

Do you have any other recognition questions? Drop me a note in the blog’s comment section below!